Aaj Jaane Ki Zid Na Karo (Translation: Do not insist upon leaving today) is a timeless geet penned by renowned...
Allah Hoo is an urdu qawwali sung by the legend of Sufi music, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.
Hum Dekhenge is an Urdu poem by Faiz Ahmad Faiz in which he portrays the torturous times under Pakistani military dictator, Zia Ul Haq, who imposes...
Tum Ek Gorakh Dhanda Ho is a qawalli sung by a legend of Sufi music, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. The verses were composed by Naz Khialvi...
Main Naraye Mastana is a qawwali sung by the Queen of Sufi Music, Abida Parveen. The Urdu ghazal was composed by Wasif Ali Wasif...
Baghawat (the song of resistance) by Amir Usmani - lyrics in urdu and english