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Chiragh Hasan Hasrat Poetry

Ya Rab Gham e Hijran Mein Itna Tou Kiya Hota | Ghazal By Chiragh Hasan Hasrat

Ya Rab Gham e Hijran Mein Itna Tou Kiya Hota is a beautiful Urdu Ghazal written by a Pakistani poet, Chiragh Hasan Hasrat

Ya Rab Gham e Hijran Mein Itna Tou Kiya Hota by Chiragh Hasan Hasrat

یارب غم ہجراں میں اتنا تو کیا ہوتا
جو ہاتھ جگر پر ہے وہ دست دعا ہوتا

[Ya Rab gham-e-hijran mein itna to kiya hota]
[Jo haath jigar par hai wo dast-e-dua hota]

Oh God, in the sorrow of separation, if only this much had happened

The hand that rests on the heart would have been raised in prayer

اک عشق کا غم آفت اور اس پہ یہ دل آفت
یا غم نہ دیا ہوتا یا دل نہ دیا ہوتا

[Aik ishq ka gham aafat aur is pe ye dil aafat]
[Ya gham na diya hota ya dil na diya hota]

The sorrow of love is a calamity, and on top of that, this heart is another affliction
Either this sorrow should not have been given, or this heart should not have been granted

ناکام تمنا دل اس سوچ میں رہتا ہے
یوں ہوتا تو کیا ہوتا یوں ہوتا تو کیا ہوتا

[Nakaam tamanna dil is soch mein rehta hai]
[Youn hota to kya hota youn hota to kya hota]

The heart, filled with unfulfilled desires, keeps wondering

What if it had happened this way? What if it had happened that way?

امید تو بندھ جاتی تسکین تو ہو جاتی
وعدہ نہ وفا کرتے وعدہ تو کیا ہوتا

[Umeed to bandh jati taskeen to ho jati]
[Wada na wafa karte wada to kya hota]

At least hope would have been kindled, at least some solace would have been found

Even if the promise was not fulfilled, at least a promise would have been made

غیروں سے کہا تم نے غیروں سے سنا تم نے
کچھ ہم سے کہا ہوتا کچھ ہم سے سنا ہوتا

[Ghairon se kaha tum ne ghairon se suna tum ne]
[Kuch hum se kaha hota kuch hum se suna hota]

You spoke to strangers, and you listened to strangers

If only you had said something to us, if only you had heard something from us